Sunday, August 17, 2008

What's a bucket?

There is something that occurs in just about every family, yet is rarely discussed except, perhaps with a therapist or in a support group of some kind -- that is the fact that usually one person in the family is labelled (figuratively or literally) the family 'bucket'. That person is the one who gets blamed when anything goes wrong -- including the weather. That person is the one who is never good enough, smart enough, good with money, selfless, etc.

Having suffered through this experience in my birth family and, I hope, emerged from it, it seems valuable to share my experiences and insights with others, in hopes that there might be an 'aha' moment that might cause years of wasted emotions, not to mention time and money, to be saved.

There are many wonderful 12-step groups available -- they have brought serenity and sanity into the lives of countless millions of people. It is my recommendation that groups be started for those who have found themselves helpless and powerless, tied into a family that treats them like merde, and then justifies it for whatever reason.

Hence the title of this blog.

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